Curebound Catalyst & Equity grant winners announced. Read the San Diego Business Journal's featured coverage here.

Enhancing Lung Cancer Screening Engagement for Primary Care Patients in Low Income Communities


Lung Cancer

Cancer Equities, Prevention and Diagnostic Tools

David Strong, PhD (UCSD)

Job Godino, PhD (Family Health Center of San Diego)

Rates of lung cancer and tobacco use, the leading cause of lung cancer, vary dramatically in California with greatest impacts felt in communities with the lowest income. California excels at preventing tobacco use
but ranks near the bottom of US states in identifying people at-risk and delivering preventive lung cancer screening (LCS). New healthcare system supports within low-income communities are needed to identify those at highest risk and link them to LCS and cancer care. In-depth interviews
with patients and providers will guide planned system-wide changes to identify what works best for whom. Results of this study will advance health equity by finding “best practices” for preventing and treating lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in low-income communities. suffering from other types of cancer.

“Working together with Family Health Centers of San Diego, we can shape a system of care that eases discussions about tobacco use and health, offers access to supportive options when people want to make changes, and invites discussions about the importance of lung cancer screening. Our goal is to equip low- income communities with access to tailored lung cancer screening and linkage to care. Thanks to Curebound, we will foster our community partnerships to advance access to lung cancer prevention and treatment.” - David Strong, PhD






